ITX-Llama Hardware Compatibility


Family Model Tested (y/n) Notes
ATI Radeon 7500 y Works natively in DOS / Win98
ATI Radeon 9250 y Works natively in DOS / Win98
3DFx Voodoo3 y Works natively in DOS / Win98
3DFx Voodoo 5 5500 y Works natively in DOS / Win98
nVidia TNT y Works natively in DOS only
nVidia TNT2 y Works natively in DOS only
S3 Savage4 y Works natively in DOS only

Wavetable Options

Module MIDI Type Connector Notes
X2GS GM/GS Wavetable Wavetable Fits without issue
X8GS GM/GS Wavetable Wavetable Fits without issue, exclusive to ITX Llama
X16GS GM/GS Wavetable Wavetable Fits but overlaps Pi headers
OPL-3 FM Synth OPL Header Fits without issue
Pi Zero 2 MT-32 / Soundfont GPIO Header Fits without issue
Pi 4 MT-32 / Soundfont / Nuked SC-55 GPIO Header Fits when attached to a 40pin cable